Hills & Dales Preschool
Hills and Dales Preschool is home to an Ohio Department of Education (ODE) licensed Special Needs/Inclusion Preschool Program.
As required by this licensure, typically developing peers and children with developmental delays on Individual Education Plans (IEPs) learn side by side.
This model helps both children with and without special needs to learn from each other, develop social skills and create friendships, which follow them as they move into public education.
Hills and Dales offers fun activities using The Creative Curriculum, AEPS (Assessment, Evaluation and Programming System) curriculum, Little Spot of Feelings (social emotional curriculum) and Heggerty (phonemic awareness curriculum), as well as guided gym activities, art appreciation sessions, literacy enrichment, a sensory room, and American Sign Language (ASL) for students and staff. iPads and upgraded technology support classroom instruction.
Children receive therapy services as needed from Southern Ohio Educational Service Center staff or school districts' staff in the areas of Occupational, Speech, and Physical Therapy.
A Sensory Room, gymnasium, and playground enhance the services provided to the children.