Community First

Community First is comprised of services including the Transitional Youth Program, Job Development, Special Olympics, the People First Advocacy Group, and the Up and Beyond Art Studio!
The Transitional Youth Program is in its 8th year and in 2023, approximately 90 youth are served, an all-time high. Students ranging from 14-22 years old from Bright Local, Hillsboro City Schools, Greenfield McClain, Fairfield, Lynchburg-Clay, FRS Connections, Hillsboro Christian Academy, Laurel Oaks, Southern Hills CTC, Clinton County Schools and home-schooled students participate in pre-employment skills training.
This training consists of Instruction in Self-Advocacy, Job Exploration Counseling, Workplace Readiness Training, Work Based Learning, and Counseling on Post-Secondary Options. Transition Coordinators work with each student to complete the modules with the ultimate goal of working in the community or attending additional educational experiences leading to a career.
Summer opportunities for Work Experience are offered through Summer Youth Foundations. Students may choose remote training on job skills or try their hands at either Star Cinemas or the Elks Golf Course in 2020.
Each student is connected with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities and upon completion of the Pre-Employment Transition Services, support remains to seek a job in the community.

Pre-Employment Transition Services
*Open to ages 14-22 while enrolled in education
*Student must have an IEP or 504
*Student must receive services with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)
*No cost to the student/parent
*May be referred by local school or directly through Community First
*Most students receive PreETS during their school day at school
~Training may include:
+ Job Exploration Counseling
+ Work-Based Learning
+ Workplace Readiness Training
+ Instruction in Self-Advocacy
+ Counseling on Post-Secondary Opportunities
For more information, contact Molly Warnock at 937-971-8314
Job Development
*Referrals from Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)
*Fees covered by OOD
*Assists in resume development
*Assists with finding a desired job in the community
*Assists with applications and interviews
*Speak with your OOD Counselor about choosing Job Development
*Job Coaching may be available, if needed, through a local provider
For more information, contact Jacob Alexander at 937-374-9600